I would like to blacklist certain users to never announce their presence (bots). If SpeechChat had a list of known bots and didn't welcome them to the server that would be nice. Those are events I don't need to hear on stream.
06-02-2019, 02:27 PM
(Last modified: 06-02-2019, 02:40 PM by DASH.)
That's Right. I want it Too.
I think that the reason is,,,
speechchat event alert is using streamer's account
it causes any filter can't work.
so i wish speechchat have it's own account like another BOT's
and i wish more option will be added to except some viewer in welcome event
i want it too
There are famous twitch bots.
- communityshowcase
- hostmeraffle
- bloodlustr
- ssakdook
- lurxx
- commanderroot
I don't want to say hello to these bots.
Your ideas are very much appreciated! The ideas and suggestions of innovative, thinking people are always welcome.