SpeechChat Forums
Control Volume funtion - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Control Volume funtion (/showthread.php?tid=68)

Control Volume funtion - Dante - 07-30-2018

i use chrome for main internet browser.
and i use speechchat on chrome but when i started stream, speechchat volume is so loud. so i need to make chrome's volume down.
if i can control speech chat's volume, it will be comfortable to use chrome with streaming.

RE: Control Volume funtion - admin - 09-02-2018

That is one of the tasks on our to-do list.

RE: Control Volume funtion - JSharpie - 03-08-2019

I would like to +1 on this as well

RE: Control Volume funtion - miow - 03-14-2019

+1ing this also

RE: Control Volume funtion - @HypoSyringe - 04-21-2021

Microsoft Edge (Chromium): Speech Chat works well, and we really need a volume control for this utility.

+1 ...because it's 2021, and volume is an HTML 5 element.  Please let me know if you can use developer help.  Wink  ♥

HTML Audio/Video DOM volume Property (w3schools.com)

HTMLMediaElement.volume - Web APIs | MDN (mozilla.org)